Welcome to official Website for World Of Warcraft AddOn

Titan Panel Gathered #2

The Worl Of Warcraft plugin for Titan Panel AddOn.

The Titan Gathered is World Of Warcraft AddOn, pluggable to Titan Panel. The project was launched in year 2009 and continued since 2018. This year has undergone many major changes and has splitted to more stand alone modules to make it more flexible and with a splitted gathered data much better performance.


Ready for WoW Classic

The Titan panel Gathered is now ready for WoW Classic!


The Titan Panel Gathered 2 is now ready for World Of Warcraft Classic. Please scroll down to footer section to get the appropriate version you are looking for.


The Experimental social project

This website is a part of an experimental project trying to get the most possible experiences about the modern techniques and tools targeted to SEO and social marketing. Sharing the content to all social brands helping Us to get more information and accurate measured data.

So, sharing Us to anywhere is the right way how to donate Us!


What is Titan Gathered?


The Titan Gathered is World Of Warcraft AddOn, collecting informations about your professions materials and reagents in your bags and at your bank. The each plugin keeping track the summaries about the current state of profession materials from the loots and show them in Titan Panel and Game Tooltip.

Titan Gathered screenshot #1

Compared to the previous version, The new version of "Titan Panel Gathered" was completely redesigned. New version drammatically increasing performance, solving many bugs and including many missing items a reagents from previous game patches.

Titan Gathered screenshot #2
Titan Gathered screenshot #3
Titan Gathered screenshot #4

Because We're at begining, still not all professions plugins are done, but We'd like created plugins for all supported professions. The Titan Gathered 2 is Titan Panel's plugin, so therefore the last version of Titan Panel Core must be correct installed and enabled.


The Experimental social project

This website is a part of an experimental project trying to get the most possible experiences about the modern techniques and tools targeted to SEO and social marketing. Sharing the content to all social brands helping Us to get more information and accurate measured data.

So, sharing Us to anywhere is the right way how to donate Us!


Titan Gathered Plugins


We 're planning to make many plugins for Titan Gathered 2, but We need more time to success it. But anyway, here is some popular plugins, We'd already created.

Titan Gathered Minning

Titan Gathered - Mining

Titan Gathered Herbalism

Titan Panel Herbalism

Titan Gathered Skinning

Titan Panel Skinning

Titan Gathered Enchanting

Titan Panel Enchanting

Titan Gathered Cooking

Titan Panel Cooking

Titan Gathered Tailoring

Titan Panel Tailoring


What the next...?

We plan to create other useful plugins for the Titan Panel Gathered, for example for the Fishing, Inscriptions, Jewelcrafting, engineering and etc...


Ready for WoW Classic

The Titan panel Gathered is ready for WoW Classic!


The Titan Panel Gathered 2 is now ready for World Of Warcraft Classic. Please download appropriate version you are looking for.

The both download archive include the full bundle of Titan Gathered Core and avaliable plugins.

Please don't forget to also download the required version 1.13.1 of Titan Panel for WoW Classic if you need.


Did you know about...?

Did you know that Tian Panel Gathered was named at the beginning of the project "Titan Ore"?

Yes, the new name Titan Panel [Gathered] was a great idea of one of many communities users around the year 2008.


Help Us to make it better!

Become our collaborator and sent bugs and how to make Titan Gathered better!

We're listening and Your response to our project is very important for us, so don't hesitate to send your ideas or any proposals on how to make Titan Gathered better to email:  bajtlamer&gmail.com OR Facebook